Beauty Institute and Spa Inc.
Beauty Institute and Spa Inc.
361 Cornwall Rd,
Oakville L6J 7Z5, Ontario
Tel: 289.291.0168

To create a serene environment where one can escape from the pressures and chaos of everyday living. To provide services and products that will help enhance one’s appearance and stimulate mental relaxation without invasive surgery.

Our Motto:

“Time cannot be stopped but you can be youthful forever!”

Our spa is currently using the Record-618 Intense Pulse Light (IPLâ„¢) machine for hair removal and other skin rejuvenation treatments. This new generation IPLâ„¢ technology is based on natural biological mechanisms, is painless, and is fast and gentle to the skin. Unlike other IPL machines and lasers where the energy is scattered in the skin, the Record-618 IPL concentrates the bulk of light energy in a geometrical plane positioned under the skin surface.
Therefore, IPL requires a relatively low temperature which allows deep penetration of the light into the skin with no damage to the skin’s surface. The low light energy supplied to cells causes cell proliferation while stimulating collagen and elastic tissue synthesis thus rejuvenating the skin. This treatment has shown in our spa astonishing results in treating acne, rosacea, hyper pigmentation and skin discolouration and broken capillaries, and, of course it is very effective in hair removal

© Copyright Beauty Institute - Oakville 2008. All rights reserved.
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