DLC Medaesthetica
DLC Medaesthetica
407-3155 Harvester Rd.,
Burlington, Ont.,L7N 3V2
Tel: 905.632.7309
Fax: 905.632.7960
Email: info@dlcmed.ca

Throughout her many years in family practice, Dr. Liberatore has assessed and treated diverse dermatological conditions. Patient concerns have ranged from excessive unwanted hair growth, to acne vulgaris, rosacea, post-surgical scarring, stretch marks, face and leg veins, sun damage and fine lines and wrinkles.

Her research regarding treatment for many of these concerns led her to the state-of-the-art technology of Cynosure Lasers. Cynosure Lasers offer a safe, effective and medically sound alternative for many patients. Dr. Liberatore can now offer this alternative directly from her medical practice in the form of DLC MEDAESTHETICA TOTAL SKINCARE CLINIC.

Almost everyone has unwanted hair on their bodies. More traditional methods, such as shaving and waxing are temporary at best. Laser hair removal can last forever. Cynosure hair removal lasers are effective for all body areas and usually all skin types.

The Elite laser emits a specific and focused pulse of energy that is absorbed by the pigment in the hair. This energy is transmitted to the hair follicle to destroy it so that the hair strand will not grow there again. The Elite cools the skin before, during and after the pulse of energy is emitted through the use of the "Smart Cool" system which provides a continuous flow of chilled air throughout the procedure. This special feature minimizes discomfort, redness and swelling. In most individuals temporary and mild swelling may occur - this is normal and expected. In most cases it resolves in 24 -72 hours. The Elite is not an IPL system - is it designed to deliver a specific wavelength of light emitted at a high power to achieve maximum effect and minimize side-effects. It treats all skin types.

Most individuals require four to six treatments depending on skin type and body area being treated. These treatments are typically scheduled every 3-12 weeks apart.

Every client who comes to DLC is an individual, and prices for Laser Hair Removal are based on a personalized assessment and consultation. DLC invites you to book an appointment for a complimentary consultation to receive a complete and accurate cost of your treatment plan.

©2009 DLC Medaesthetica
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