Laser Medical Center.
Laser Medical Center.
160 Sheppard Ave. West
Toronto, Ontario M2N 1M8
Fax: 416-221-8210

Welcome to the Laser Medical Center. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality of care and unsurpassed service with excellent cosmetic results at affordable prices. Our patients' satisfaction is our most important goal. Our success is a direct reflection of the amount of time, dedication, and care which we devote to our patients' needs. Our courteous and knowledgeable staff is always happy to answer your questions and assist you in any way that we can.

We offer services in laser photo rejuvenation, wrinkle removal, laser hair removal, laser spider vein removal, laser treatments of Rosacea, scars and various other skin conditions.

We will be happy to assist you with any travel arrangements necessary to make your cosmetic laser experience an enjoyable one.

More men and women are considering cosmetic laser procedures these days. We understand that cosmetic laser procedures no longer have to be for the rich and famous. Our affordable pricing plans and financial options assure that nearly everyone can have the new look they have they have always wanted. We accept all major credit cards and will make every effort to assist you with your financial needs. We guarantee our LOWEST PRICES and will MATCH ANYBODY'S PRICE on a comparable cosmetic laser procedure. Our initial consultation is completely FREE at absolutely no cost to you. So call today for your free consultation, you will be amazed as to how affordable we truly are, and you will be on your way to a newer & younger you.

How Does Laser Work?

Laser is a pure form of light consisting of only one wavelength. Different wavelengths have different penetration and absorption properties on the skin. In general, the higher the wavelength, the deeper the laser's penetration. Different structures within the skin respond to different wavelengths of laser. For example, hair responds to different wavelengths of laser than blood vessels, or certain pigments. As the structures within the skin absorb the laser energy, they heat up and are destroyed. Since each structure responds to a different wavelength, we can selectively heat and destroy certain structures within the skin without having much effect on the other skin structures.

Is Laser Treatment Right For You?

Depending on the skin lesion which you have and your skin type, we can determine if you are a good candidate for laser treatments. Our state of the art lasers are approved for use on even the darkest skin types. In general, nearly every person can benefit from laser therapy.

Why Choose The Laser Medical Center.

Aside from our experience and concern for our patients, we use the latest and safest laser technology to provide you with the very best that cosmetic lasers can offer. We are actively involved in researching and applying newer laser technology and techniques. We have spared no expense in all aspects of our services. Our lasers are also equipped with the latest software versions and safety features to assure the very best technology.

Unwanted Hair Removal Treatments
Nearly all women and about half of all men have unwanted hair. The fact is that hair doesn’t always want to grow in the locations that you want it to grow in. And, it is often re-growing, meaning it will likely grow back even if you do remove it. On top of this, the cost of removing unwanted hair can even be a factor. Nevertheless, the fact is that it is necessary to find the most up to date, the most cost effective and the most effective method of removing hair. Anything else, makes no sense.

Most don’t realize that unwanted hair has been something that bothers people for centuries. There have been all types of hair removal techniques tried. The first electrolysis device was first used in the early part of the 20th century. In the 1930’s the first electric razor hit store shelves. Forty years later you have waxing becoming a popular trend. In the 1990’s, laser energy was first used as a hair removal tool. In this case, the laser damaged the follicle enough so that it could not re-grow hair. Today, this same type of method is one of the best ways to permanently remove hair.

Hair Removal Methods
There are two ways to define the type of hair removal treatment you will use. The first is a temporary solution or depilation. In this case, the hair’s root, called a follicle, is not destroyed or damaged. The hair will be removed in some manner such as by shaving, waxing, plucking or bleaching but will re-grow at a later time.
The second type of hair removal is long term or epilating. In this type of hair removal, the hair’s follicle is destroyed or damaged enough to make hair re-growth nearly impossible to happen. This can be done with a laser.

In our clinic we have 4 different machines that allow us to provide/guaranty the best result for our clients with all types of skin and hair and even sensitivity. The appropriate laser varies on the individual and is recommended by our doctor. Laser Medical Centre is one of very few laser clinics in Toronto that use the Zimmer Cryo Chiller - the new technology and the effective answer for reduction of pain associated with Laser treatments. The blowing cool air helps to make the procedure more comfortable and is available to all our patients at no added cost.

How does laser hair removal work?
Highly controlled pulses of laser light are selectively absorbed by hair follicles lying below the surface of the skin. The absorbed light heats and destroys the hair follicle, preventing regrowth from occurring and without damaging surrounding tissues. The hairs go through three different stages during their life cycle at different periods of time. The hair is most vulnerable to laser at one of those stages which is why several treatments are required to assure the destruction of hair follicles.

Copyright 2002 - 2009
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