The Baywood Clinic
The Baywood Clinic
1033 Bay Street suite 303
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3A5
416 515-0007
416 926 0504

The Baywood Clinic is one of Toronto's leading Cosmetic Centers, with a Plastic Surgery Clinic, Cosmetic Laser Medicine Clinic, and Leg Vein Clinic.

Unlike many "medi-spa clinics", where you will never even meet a physician, at the Baywood Clinic there is always a physician on-site, providing your consultations and personally peforming or directly supervising your treatment.

Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Medicine are serious medical treatments - you can trust our experience and count on our commitment to caring for you as your physicians.The Baywood Clinic is regularly featured in the media (The Toronto Star, The National Post, The Life Network, CBC Radio). The Doctors perform over 5000 laser and cosmetic surgery treatments every year.

Important Questions to ask when choosing a Laser Clinic

Our Toronto clinic offers the following specialized cosmetic laser services:

Candela Smoothbeam Laser Therapy: The Smoothbeam is the new treatment of choice for many age-old skin problems including wrinkles, crows' feet, lip lines, sun-damaged skin and acne scars. It is also the first FDA approved laser for the treatment of active acne.

Candela GentleLase Laser Therapy: Imagine having smooth, hair free skin without shaving, waxing, plucking, or bleaching your unwanted hair. We now offer safe, fast, effective, and affordable Laser Hair Removal Services.

Candela Vbeam Laser Therapy: Our Candela Vbeam represents the "Gold Standard" for the treatment of a wide variety of vascular skin conditions, including Rosacea.

Carbon Dioxide Laser and Erbium Laser

These lasers are used for re-surfacing the skin. They are especially helpful for deep wrinkles, sun-damaged skin, and for acne scarring. There is some ‘down-time’ while the skin re-generates.

More ‘superficial’ re-surfacing of mildly damaged skin or wrinkles requires 3-5 days before returning to work or school. Deeper re-surfacing for more severe wrinkles or scarring usually needs 7-10 days. Please ask about prices, which range from $1000 for small areas of scarring or wrinkles, $2000 for a superficial ‘rejuvenating’ procedure, to $4000 for a full face re-surfacing for severe scarring or wrinkles. All treatment is done with a local anesthetic, and you can go home right after the procedure.

The YAG laser

This laser is used to treat brown spots and to remove tattoos.

Brown spots fees range from $150 to $400 per treatment. There is no downtime.

Please ask about tattoo removal fees, which depend on the size of the tattoo. The laser treats Red, Black, Blue, and some Yellow tattoo pigments.

© 2003 Medikka Laser Clinic :: All rights reserved.
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