The Surani Clinic
The Surani Clinic
1675 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M4G 3C1
T: (416) 510-0100
F: (416) 483-0772

The CoolGlideâ„¢ Laser system is simply the best laser hair removal system on the market for all skin tones from light to dark, including tanned patients. Its unique design with a longer wavelength and an innovative cooling system allows extremely effective, safe, and permanent results. The system generates a beam in the critical 1064 nm range at a high enough power to vaporize the carbon particles in the fine and coarse hair on all skin types. Our CoolGlideâ„¢ Laser is, in fact, capable of generating 14,000 watts of peak power, more than any other laser available for office use.

In addition, for larger areas of hair removal, we use the new Pro-Wave Laser which is fast and efficient, especially for light skin and finer hair. The Pro-Wave essentially works like three lasers in one hand piece.

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive method of photoepilation, which does not require needles or messy chemical creams. Since thousands of hairs can be zapped in a single treatment session, large areas like the back, shoulders, arms and legs can be effectively and efficiently treated.
What will happen during the treatment?

The procedure is simple. Although no pain medication or local anesthesia is typically required, we apply a topical anesthetic gel before and after the treatment.

The Cutera® CoolGlide™ laser generates a pulse of intense, concentrated light directed through a small, cooled hand piece that is gently applied to the treatment site. This laser energy passes through the skin to the hair follicle, where the energy is absorbed by pigment in the hair and hair follicle, causing selective damage to the hair root without damaging delicate pores and structures of the skin. The laser is pulsed, or “turned on”, for only a fraction of a second. Dr. Surani will carefully determine the duration of the pulses so that laser energy will be absorbed by the hair follicle without transferring excessive heat to the surrounding skin.

The gold-plated cooling head glides over the skin (CoolGlideâ„¢) half a second before the laser beam. This selectivity helps to protect the skin, while effectively treating the unwanted hair. Areas that would take hours with electrolysis are addressed in minutes.

Some of the hair that was in the treated follicles is wiped off immediately after treatment, and the rest is shed over the next 2-3 weeks. The hair roots that have been destroyed are reabsorbed by the body.

Immediately after treatment, a cooling aloe vera gel is applied, as well as medical-grade sunscreen for the face and on any treated areas that will be exposed to the sun. The skin may appear slightly red for a very short time but this usually resolves rapidly and there is no restriction in activity.

Why should I consider laser hair reduction? It’s so expensive!

Laser hair removal is convenient, safe and efficient. While no laser can guarantee hair-free skin, the laser will remove up to 75%–90% of hair within 6–8 treatments. Just imagine no longer needing to dedicate extra time for shaving or scheduling time for waxing or electrolysis appointments.

At first glance, the cost of laser hair removal does seem high. However, in the long run, laser hair removal is the smart and efficient way to remove unwanted dark hair, and may save you money in the long run.

How many treatments are required?

Hair grows in three cycles. At any one time about one-third of the hair is in the growth phase, one-third in the regression phase, and one-third in the resting phase, multiple treatments spaced four to eight weeks apart are usually necessary to disable most of the hair follicles in given area.

What packages are associated with this treatment?

See our Laser Hair Reduction package.
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