Bertucci MedSpa
Bertucci MedSpa
8333 Weston Road,
Suite 100, Woodbridge,
Ontario, L4L 8E2
Phone: 905/ 850 4415
Your appearance is a very personal matter and, at Bertucci MedSpa, Dr. Bertucci and his staff believe that by combining honesty, integrity and skill with the latest technology and techniques, we are able to best serve your needs.
Our approach is a simple one. We provide you with safe, effective, revolutionary techniques using state of the art equipment. We specialize in non-invasive cosmetic surgeries performed under local anaesthetic. We work with you to determine your needs and to develop options. Our team approach combines medical, esthetic and spa services to provide you with a positive experience that delivers the best possible results. We are dedicated to providing you with a wide range of options that will not only make you look your best, but also feel your best.
Our mission is to deliver optimal skin care to both men and women in an ethical, skilled, comprehensive and caring manner. We strive to deliver outstanding customer service to our clients at all times.
Under the guidance of Dr. Vince Bertucci, a Board-Certified Dermatologist and Dermatologic Surgeon, we will help you decipher often-perplexing literature by providing you with up-to-date, accurate and reliable information.
Inundated with so many choices and so much information in the media, it is often confusing and difficult to decide which option is most appropriate for any given individual. The accuracy and reliability of information available to the public is not always certain.
At Bertucci MedSpa, our skilled staff will help you decide which treatments from our extensive menu are most suited to your individual needs. We pride ourselves in educating our clients in an unbiased and altruistic manner, helping them to make appropriate, informed choices. We will inform you which procedures are likely to be of benefit to you and, just as importantly, which ones won’t help. We will not sell you any treatments you don’t need or don’t want.
In the long run, we’ve found that this approach works best because our clients know they can trust us to be truthful and honest, while delivering the best possible results in a safe and effective clinical setting under the direction of a Board-certified expert.
Laser Hair Reduction
Many individuals choose to reduce excess or unwanted body and facial hair. The past few years have seen a dramatic change in the technology available to reduce unwanted hair. Laser hair removal technology has improved tremendously, meaning that you will likely have less hair, finer hair and lighter coloured hair after treatment of affected areas.
1. Why choose laser hair removal?
Prior to the development of laser and light sources, hair removal techniques were limited to waxing, shaving, plucking and threading. Unfortunately, these methods provide only temporary relief. Electrolysis is an alternative chosen by some individuals because it may damage hair permanently. With this technique, a needle is inserted into each hair follicle and an electric current is applied. Unfortunately, the process tends to be painful, slow and tedious. Because hair follicles must be treated one at a time, treatment of large areas is not practical. Occasionally, one may see scarring and skin discolouration with electrolysis. Laser hair removal is a proven, safe and effective method of hair reduction that rapidly treats multiple hairs at the same time.
2. Why the LightSheer Diode Laser?
The LightSheer Diode Laser is a state-of-the-art device used to significantly reduce unwanted hair growth. Many consider it to be the most effective laser hair removal device on the market. The LightSheer has several unique features making it ideal for this application. The LightSheer Diode Laser employs a beam of light that is absorbed preferentially by the pigment in hair follicles, ensuring delivery of an intense pulse of energy to the hair follicles, while sparing the surrounding skin. Additionally, the contact cooling incorporated into the wand gently cools the skin, providing an added measure of safety and protection. Many laser hair removal devices are underpowered, making them less effective. The LightSheer diode laser is able to deliver high energies to the desired hair follicle target, ensuring maximal effectiveness.
3. How do lasers reduce hair?
Lasers used for hair removal work by emitting an intense beam of light which is preferentially absorbed by the melanin pigment in hair. The intense heat generated by the laser light damages or destroys the hair shaft and follicle while sparing the surrounding skin. Thus, several actively growing hair follicles, known as anagen hairs, are eliminated or their growth is significantly impeded. The result is either complete removal of the hair or replacement with a finer, lighter coloured hair follicle.
4. What is permanent laser hair reduction?
The FDA defines permanent hair reduction as hair that does not re-grow after 2 cycles of growth. More than one treatment is needed as hair lasers target hair in the growth or anagen phase best. The LightSheer Diode is approved for 70 – 95% permanent hair reduction. There is no currently available device that gets rid of 100% of hairs in all individuals. Having said that, The LightSheer is considered by many physicians to be the best laser for hair removal.
5. How many treatments will I need?
Because not all hair follicles are in the growth or anagen phase, more than one treatment session is required. Hairs that are not be in the anagen phase with the first treatment session will eventually cycle through to the growth phase with subsequent treatments. In order to achieve 70-95% reduction, most patients typically need between 4 and 8 treatment sessions for any given area. The number of treatment sessions required varies with skin colour, hair colour and thickness, and the body area being treated. Arm and leg hair tend to be the easiest to remove, while facial hair, especially on the lip and chin, can be a bit more resistant.
6. Am I a candidate for laser hair removal?
Men and women of all skin colours except Black who have medium to dark body and facial hair are good candidates. Tanned skin and darker skin may also be treated but one should expect to need more treatment sessions – the lighter the skin colour, the more effective the treatment. Despite reports to the contrary in the popular media, there is no uniformly effective laser technology for the removal of grey, white, red or blond hair.
7. How often should I be treated?
Most individuals will be treated every 6 weeks, although treatment intervals vary between approximately 4 and 14 weeks. The exact treatment interval is determined by how quickly hair re-growth is seen. In general, most people do not experience re-growth for 4-6 weeks after the treatment. Once some hair follicles start to grow back, we recommend returning fo treatment within approximately 2 weeks.
8. How do I manage my hair between treatments?
Hair may be shaved, trimmed, removed with cream depilatories or simply left alone. It should not, however, be removed from the root – no waxing, plucking, tweezing, or electrolysis for 4-6 weeks prior to treatment, as well as during treatment. If hair is removed prior to laser treatment using one of the techniques mentioned above, the laser may not detect the hair and the treatment may be less effective.
9. What will I look like after the laser hair removal treatment?
Most individuals are minimally red and slightly swollen at the site of treatment immediately following treatment. This typically lasts a couple of hours, but can persist for up to 24 hours. Most individuals are able to return to work or other activities immediately after a treatment session.
It is not uncommon to see pinpoint black dots in the follicle after laser treatment. These represent residual hair that will fall out anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks after the treatment. They do not represent untreated areas. Rarely, some people may experience focal scabbing or blistering after the treatment. This is temporary and resolves within a few days. It is important to notify our office immediately if any scabbing or blistering is apparent.
10. How do I care for my skin after the treatment?
After the treatment, you may apply ice to reduce swelling and redness. We will apply Aloe Vera gel to the treated area in the office as this cools and soothes the skin. On occasion, you may be given a prescription cortisone cream to be applied for a few days post-treatment to speed healing and prevent complications.
Minimizing sun exposure for 4-6 weeks is important both before and after treatment. Tanning beds should also be avoided for the same period of time. We also strongly recommend that you wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher on the area of treatment on a regular basis. By following these instructions, you will reduce the likelihood of skin discolouration and other complications.
11. Is the LightSheer Diode Laser safe?
Since the development of the first laser in 1960, lasers have been used for a wide variety of medical applications. The LightSheer Diode Laser is a government-approved device with a proven track record for both safety and efficacy. The type of light emitted by the laser falls into the range of ‘safe light’ and penetrates only superficially. Thus, there is no danger to underlying structures. Because all lasers are a source of intense light energy, protective eyewear must be worn during all procedures to protect the eyes from the intense light. You will be provided with appropriate eyewear during your treatment.
12. Does it hurt?
By using built-in contact cooling, the LightSheer Diode laser is able to reduce discomfort. The absence of this feature in many other laser hair removal systems means that they may be more uncomfortable.
The perception of pain is highly subjective and varies from one person to the next. If desired, a local anaesthetic cream, such as Maxilene-5 or EMLA, may be applied to the skin one hour prior to treatment to help relieve much of the discomfort. We find Maxilene-5 to be most effective. This product is available for purchase in our office and in some pharmacies.
While some individuals will feel little or no significant discomfort, others will feel a sensation similar to that experienced when snapping an elastic band on the skin. A stinging sensation or a feeling of heat in the treated area is described by others. As you might expect, some areas, such as the underarms, bikini and flanks, may be more uncomfortable than others. After treatment, the skin is generally minimally sensitive, and this sensation quickly resolves.
13. What are the possible side effects?
The vast majority of individuals undergoing hair reduction with the LightSheer Laser have no problems at all. Permanent side effects are very rare. Most people experience slight redness and swelling in the treated areas. Occasionally, one may see some light brown crusting for a few days after the treatment. Whiteheads, or tiny pimples may occur in the treated area. These typically disappear within a week.
Hypopigmentation (skin lightening) is rare; hyperpigmentation (skin darkening) can occur in treated areas in less than 10% of individuals being treated with the LightSheer laser. It is essential to wear a high level SPF of at least 30 on a regular basis. The lighter the skin, the less the risk of discolouration. Changes in colour usually spontaneously fade, but may rarely be permanent. We will adjust the laser settings based on your skin type and hair colour to reduce risks.
Blisters may occur in less than 10% of those being treated, typically within 1 – 2 days of treatment. Our staff at the Institute of the Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery is uniquely skilled in the art and science of laser hair removal and can often tell if blisters will develop after treatment; the doctor can provide a prescription cortisone cream to prevent blister formation if necessary. When blisters occur, they typically disappear within a few days. It is important that you notify our office immediately if you experience any blistering. This will allow us to ensure optimal results and maintain maximal safety.
14. Why choose Bertucci MedSpa for Laser Hair Reduction?
At Bertucci MedSpa, all treatments are done under the supervision of Dr. Vince Bertucci, a Board-certified Dermatologist. As a specialist of the skin and hair, Dr. Bertucci has spent many years training to better understand the complexities of the skin and hair. The ultimate benefit is that our patients achieve longer lasting results in a safe and effective clinical setting under the direction of a Board-certified expert.
15. How do I get started with my laser hair removal treatments?
In order to provide the best results while ensuring maximal safety, we ask that all patients have a full in-office consultation prior to proceeding. The consultation starts with completion of a detailed questionnaire to better help us understand your skin and hair in detail.
Detailed information on the procedure, realistic expectations of results as well as benefits and potential risks are discussed with the laser technician. Photos of the area to be treated are taken prior to starting treatment. Ideally, these photos should be taken when there is significant visible hair growth at the site to be treated.
Upon completion of the consultation and if it is determined that you will benefit from LightSheer Diode Laser hair reduction, an appointment is scheduled at a mutually convenient time.
Please avoid waxing, plucking, tweezing, bleaching or electrolysis in the area to be treated for 4 – 6 weeks before each of your laser treatments. Shaving is permitted. The night before each treatment, the hair in the area to be treated must be shaved or removed with a depilatory cream.
© Copyright Institute of Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery 2010. All rights reserved.
