Hush Salon And Spa
Hush Salon And Spa
146 Wyndham Street North
Guelph, ON N1H 4E8, Canada
(519) 836-9119
At Hush Salon And Spa , our spa services are extensive. Our goal is to offer you a complete range of skin and nail services under one roof.
Your skin and nails need ongoing nourishment and nurturing. However, most often our diets fail to provide all the nutrients our skin and nails need to be healthy and strong.
Also, skin degradation and imperfections are an unavoidable result of time. In addition, premature aging of the skin, as a result of exposure to the sun and other elements of nature, can have a negative impact on our self-image, social life or careers.
While we can't stop the clock, there are a number of ways we can fight back.
A quick visit to Hush Salon And Spa will put you on the path to rejuvenation and revitalization. We can combine your spa visit with your hair appointment to fit with your busy schedule.
If permanent hair removal is on your wish list, you should check out the safest, most effective treatment on the market.
We are delighted to introduce Radiancy's unique LHETM technology for removing unwanted hair.
A result of photo-thermolysis research, the LHETM technology uses a unique combination of light and heat to destroy hair follicles and prevent regrowth.
The hair shaft and follicle contain more pigment than the surrounding skin tissue, and therefore absorb more light. Selective photo-thermolysis attacks the hair follicle without damaging the surrounding skin.
As the light is absorbed, heat is generated and causes coagulation. This coagulation in turn damages the hair follicle, inhibiting it from producing new growth.
The LHETM process covers more skin area with each spot treatment, thereby considerably reducing the time required for each session. Also, unlike other technologies, no preparation and recovery time is required making LHETM the system of choice for busy men and women.
