L'Exquisite Day Spa
L'Exquisite Day Spa
1131 Nottinghill Gate Place
Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6M 1K5
Are you ready to become glamorous and experience fascinating results?
Whether you're looking to be slim and trim, have more energy for the things you love, feel better, look more youthful and vibrant, or live a more stress-free life, we have something very unique for you!
Whether you want some spa pampering, luxurious skin rejuvenation, a relaxing massage, hair removal, cellulite reduction, slimming or simply want to look younger or feel better, we are here to help you reach your beauty goals. All of our procedures are performed in a safe environment and with quality care. Take some YOU time. Step through our door and experience serenity, relaxation and wellness. Let us bring out your true beauty with some of the best skin care products and non-invasive cosmetic treatments in a beautiful surrounding, with personal attention and soothing music.
We want your visit at our holistic spa to be a comfortable and relaxing experience. We do the best we can to work with your busy schedule and lifestyle and book our treatments and consultations by appointment and make it a priority to start your appointment on time.
Laser Hair Removal
Hair removal
How much time, energy and money will you spend this month removing unwanted hair from your body? How much over the course of the next year? There are many hair removal products available.
Wouldn't your life be simpler if you didn't have to worry about unwanted hair removal any more?
Hair laser therapy is a highly effective, clinically tested and proven, method of facial hair removal and body hair removal or facial hair laser. It removes unwanted hair faster, with less pain or discomfort and more reliably than other hair removal methods, such as waxing or shaving. A laser hair removal treatment is often preferred because of the long-lasting results.
You may be surprised to learn that almost everyone's entire body is covered with hair. Most of this hair is fine and pale and not necessarily very visible. But, when dark coarse hair appear in places that make us uncomfortable, we search for ways to remove them. The traditional hair removal systems include plucking, shaving, waxing hair removal, sugaring hair removal, threading hair removal, electrolysis hair removal, hair removal creams and chemical depilatories. Nowadays, more and more women, men and teens are choosing laser hair removal treatment because of it's effectiveness and long term results.
How does the Light Sheer laser work?
A laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light. The light emitted by the LightSheer diode laser is well absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair follicles. Prior to the procedure, the treatment area has to be shaved. During the procedure the upper layer of the skin is compressed
and cooled with a special cooling handpiece. This procedure protects the skin and makes the procedure more effective. Then the laser pulses light for a fraction of a second, just long enough to heat up the hair and destroy the follicle's ability to re-grow. The result - permanent hair reduction
in the treated area.
We use the LightSheer diode laser, a state of the art laser hair removal equipment designed to remove unwanted hair fast. There is less discomfort compared to any other laser around and it permanently reduces your unwanted hair. Best of all, you will need fewer sessions to get the job done. The Lightsheer laser was the first diode laser approved by the FDA for permanent hair reduction. It's been around for a long time. We have a lot of experience with it and we have many satisfied customers.
Laser Hair Removal Cost
The cost will vary widely depending on the different laser hair removal clinics, locations, as well as the laser hair removal treatments along with the laser hair removal system they use.
Contact us 905-827-2222
Copyright 2000-2010, L’Exquisite Day Spa For Women & Men, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
