Medi-Aesthetic Solutions,
Medi-Aesthetic Solutions,
430 Notre Dame Avenue,
Suite 200
Sudbury, ON P3C 5K7
Phone: 705-670-9669
Fax: 705-523-4589
Medi-Aesthetic Solutions is located in Sudbury, Ontario. Our clinic specializes in state
of the art skin, vein and aesthetic treatments, with our procedures based on the latest
developements and techniques.
Supporting our Medical Director, Dr. Swaran K. Syan, is a team of certified, trained
technicians dedicated to providing each client an individualized treatment plan with
the highest standards of professionalism, safety, and satisfaction. At Medi-Aesthetic
Solutions each personalized consultation is treated with the utmost privacy, discretion
and comfort.
Age Spots
Actinic Keratosis
Body Smoothing/Shaping
Cellulite Reduction
Crows Feet
Dark Circles
Defined Jaw Line
Dull/Dry Skin
Eyebrow Lift(Non-invasive)
Facial Telangiecstasia
Anti-Aging Treatments
Fat Reduction
Naso-labial Folds
Forehead Lines
Hair Removal
Keratosis Pilaris
Large Pores
Pigmented Lesions
Port Wine Stains
Other Skin Conditions
Rough Heels/Elbows
Skin Tag Removal
Sagging Chin
Smile Lines
Peri-oral Wrinkles
Spider Angioma
Spider Veins
Sun Damaged Skin
Therapeutic Message
Collagen Fill
