OMI Medical Inc
OMI Medical Inc
2 Sheppard Ave East Suite 901
North York , ON M2N 5Y7
PHONE: 416-223-5500
FAX: 416-223-5552
OMI was founded in 1979 by Robert Oakwell-Morgan (U.S.A. Trained Electrologist), and Nicolette Reaume (Canadian Trained Electrologist). During the first two years of operation, only client referrals by medical practitioners were accepted. OMI does not franchise, and continues to be 100% controlled by it's founders.
It is commonly known that exceptional skill and knowledge produces a more successful result. Consequently, OMI has achieved world-class recognition as a leader in permanent hair removal Professionalism, practices and techniques, and is recognized world-wide as the most experienced and respected permanent hair removal authority.
Laser Hair Removal
imagine...never having to shave, pluck, wax or tweeze unwanted hair again!
Why use Laser for hair removal?
Traditional hair removal techniques, such as shaving, tweezing and waxing, provide only temporary relief. Until the introduction of the Laser systems, the only permanent hair removal method available has been electrolysis - where each hair is treated individually. In contrast, Laser hair removal systems can now safely remove unwanted body and facial hair on both large and small areas of the body.
What makes OMI technologies special ?
OMI uses the most advanced , clinically-tested technologies to safely and rapidly remove hair, with a new level of effectiveness and convenience. As a result, our services are much more effective than others. Our Laser hair removal systems selectively target the hair and follicles without damaging the surrounding skin. In addition, since every person is different, treatments can be customized to suit the individual. Now, freedom from unwanted body hair is faster, easier and more comfortably achieved, leaving your skin looking more youthful, and feeling fresh, silky and smooth.
What is the treatment process ?
The process is simple. The area is shaved before treatment. This allows the energy to target the area at the base of the hair follicle. A coat of clear gel is smoothed on the skin, and then pulses are quickly and evenly applied with a small handheld device. Within 2 to 3 weeks, a percentage of the hair remaining under the skin in the treated area is expelled.
How gentle and safe is it ?
The Laser technologies have been used on thousands of people with positive results. With OMI Systems, most individuals experience no more than a slight stinging sensation. Sensitivity can be reduced by applying "Emla" - Maxilene (Cooling System) prior to treatment. Some parts of the body are more sensitive than others, and sometimes redness or slight swelling may occur. In such instances, a cool compress is applied to soothe the skin, which causes any redness to dissipate almost immediately. Most normal daily activities can resumed directly after treatment.
How many treatments are required ?
The number of treatments depends on the individual and the area being treated. Hair growth follows a specific cycle, moving from an active, visible stage to an inactive, dormant period. The Laser technologies work by disabling only hair in the active growth stage at the time of treatment. Since not all hairs will be at this stage during treatment, additional sessions are necessary. Treatments are usually given at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks. Depending on individual skin colour, hair texture and colour, and location on the body, the number of treatments will vary from one person to the next. However, almost all clients - even those with extremely persistent hair growth - will achieve significant hair reduction after only six treatments. About five percent of clients do not respond at all.
Are the results permanent ?
Yes. Hair reduction is permanent. OMI clients often complete their treatment with electrolysis to achieve 100% permanency.
Who is a good candidate ?
Any man or women, with any skin type, who suffers from unwanted hair is an excellent candidate. If you are on special medication or suffer from a known disorder, you are advised to check with your doctor first. To customize your treatment and to ensure the best outcome for you, you will be asked about your medical history and skin type.
Can any body part be treated ?
The unique OMI systems can remove hair from almost any part of the body including the face, chest, back, buttocks, underarms, arms and legs - as well as sensitive areas like the chin, upper lip, cheeks, ears, nose, breast and bikini line. Virtually any unwanted hair can be removed from almost any body part.
Do I need to observe any precautions
either before or after treatment?
After treatment, you can return to most of your normal daily activities. Although treated areas should be handled with care for a short while, you may clean the area using mild soap and tepid water. Avoid using Retin - A, alphahydroxy acids, glycolic acids, and astringents. Shaving is permitted, but you should refrain from waxing, plucking, bleaching or electrolysis between treatments.
Is this procedure covered by insurance ?
Since hair removal is considered a cosmetic procedure, most insurance companies do not offer reimbursement for it. However, some companies do provide an allowance for self improvement care, for which receipts can be provided. You may wish to consult with your insurance provider for more specific information.
How can I begin ?
Please contact our office for a consultation. During your consultation, we will answer your questions and discuss a customized course of treatment for you. There is no charge or obligation for this consultation.
OMI Medical Inc. ©2006 All rights reserved !
