Pembroke Medi Spa
Pembroke Medi Spa
925 Pembroke Street East
Pembroke, Ontario K8A 6W6
Phone: (613) 735.6555
Pain Free, Fast & Easy!
Reduce unwanted hair, permanently! No more razors, messy creams, painful waxing or electrolysis.
With the use of an FDA approved medical grade AngelLite laser equipped with integrated cooling, we are able to painlessly damage the hair follicle using Intense Pulse Light (IPL), permanently.
Through a process called photo-epilation, the melanin (colour) in the hair follicle is exposed to bursts of light. The light converts to heat at the “target†site, thermally destroying the ability of the follicle to re-grow hair at that site.
Permanent hair reduction may take between 4-12 treatments. Typically, you will realize a 20% reduction in hair with each treatment. Treatments are spaced every 4-6 weeks around hair re-growth. IPL interacts with the hair best in the active stage of growth when it has the most melanin (colour). Individuals with darker skin and/or lighter hair will require the most treatments.
A free consultation is conducted prior to initial treatment to determine if the treatment is suitable for each individual client. All treatments and consultations are personalized and conducted by a Certified Laser Therapist.
Treatments are fast and easy with no down time for recovery. Each pulse can treat from 100 – 200 hairs or it can be modified to target a precise area. If you have 20 minutes we can help you get rid of unwanted hair.
Copyright 2009 Pembroke Medi Spa
