Spa Lumina
Spa Lumina
74 Cedar Pointe Drive
Suite 1004
Barrie, Ontario L4N 5R7
1-877-661-SKIN (7546)
(705) 721-7775
(705) 721-7924
At Spa Lumina, our clients are our priority. We will provide the most effective and safest treatments available to us. We will answer your questions and address your concerns in an open and honest manner. We will take the time and effort to ensure that you are comfortable and confident with the services that we provide. We will endeavor to provide an exemplary level of customer service to you.
We believe in providing the newest technology and techniques in personal enhancement to our clients without any compromise on personal safety and health. You can be rest assured as a client of Spa Lumina that any procedures and technology being offered by us have been vigorously researched to ensure you are receiving the best possible care and treatment. To achieve our goals, we have acquired the Cutera® Xeo laser, the winner of the American Dermatology Association’s laser of the year award. In addition we have made available two new exciting procedures in Barrie, TITAN™ skin tightening (a Spa Lumina exclusive) and Levulan® Photodynamic Therapy (Spa Lumina is the only clinic in Barrie to offer these amazing treatments). It is because of our commitment to excellence, that Spa Lumina has been designated as a luminary site for Cutera and a clinical training facility for Canadian physicians and nurses entering into the exciting field of Cosmetic Medicine. In addition, Dr. Gandhi, Medical Director of Spa Lumina, is a speaker for Cutera Events & Clinical Forums.
All our clients will be seen and assessed by Dr. Gandhi, a clinician with over 13 years of experience in treating illness. He will ensure that only the appropriate treatments are offered to you, and will work with you to meet your goals.
To create a positive difference in the lives of our clients, by enhancing their physical and emotional health.
Background information
Removal of unwanted hair has become one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in recent years for women as well as for an increasing number of men. Treatments include the more traditional and often temporary methods, ranging from depilatories, epilators, shavers, waxing kits and electrolysis, to high-tech procedures such as intense pulsed light and laser systems.
In many cases unwanted hair is considered a cosmetic problem. In particular, women often experience additional hair growth during both pregnancy and menopause. Some diseases also have excessive hair growth as a symptom, but they are less common.
Lasers are a new modality for the rapid, gentle removal of unwanted hair. Lasers are not for everyone, and their proper use requires great expertise. Consumers contemplating laser hair removal require education to properly evaluate if and where to have laser hair removal performed. Many competing technologies exist. Several are already outmoded, and others offer particular advantages for certain client populations.
Laser hair removal systems gently remove unwanted hair. While dermatologic surgeons continue to research the exact science of laser hair removal, it appears that the light energy causes thermal injury to the hair follicle. This occurs because laser light is converted into heat as it passes through the skin and is absorbed in the target pigment melanin found in the hair follicle. When the temperature reaches a high enough level in a hair follicle during its active phase, the targeted hair structures are disabled, thus inhibiting hair re-growth. In clinical trials to date using a number of different lasers and intense pulsed light hair removal systems, some test sites remained hair-free for up to 2 years.
Laser hair removal is a non-invasive method of photoepilation, which does not require needles or messy chemical creams. Since thousands of hairs can be zapped in a single treatment session, large areas like the back, shoulders, arms and legs can be effectively and efficiently treated.
While laser hair removal is an excellent treatment option, research efforts continue to enhance the procedure. Although permanent hair removal is the goal of therapy, some clients may experience hair regrowth that is usually finer and lighter in color. In addition, long-lasting laser hair removal typically requires multiple treatments, which can make it a more costly hair removal alternative. Possible side effects, though very rare, may include damage to the surrounding healthy tissue in the form of scars, burns, redness and swelling. Special considerations are important when lasers are used on darker skin tones to allow for safe and effective treatment.
In Canada, lasers are NOT licensed by the Canadian government. In essence, anyone can purchase a laser, and perform laser hair removal without any qualifications.
At Spa Lumina, all laser treatments are medically supervised by Dr. Sohail Gandhi. clients will have a consultation with him first, and he will then judge what strength of laser is best for you.
How does the procedure work?
At Spa Lumina, we only use the best laser for hair removal. The Cutera® CoolGlide® has won numerous awards from the American Dermatological Society, and was voted best laser of the year by them.
The Cutera® CoolGlide® laser generates a pulse of intense, concentrated light which is directed through a small, cooled hand piece which is gently applied to the treatment site. This laser energy passes through the skin to the hair follicle, where the energy is absorbed by pigment in the hair and hair follicle, causing selective damage to the hair root without damaging delicate pores and structures of the skin. The laser is pulsed, or “turned onâ€, for only a fraction of a second. Dr. Gandhi will carefully determine the duration of the pulses so that laser energy will be absorbed by the hair follicle without transferring excessive heat to the surrounding skin.
Some of the hair which was in the treated follicles is wiped off immediately after treatment, and the rest is shed over the next 2-3 weeks. The hair roots which have been destroyed are reabsorbed by the body.
The surface of the skin is protected by cooling gel pads applied immediately before and after treatment, and by a gold plated cooling head which glides over the skin (CoolGlide®) half a second before the laser beam. This selectivity helps to protect the skin, while effectively treating the unwanted hair.
The Cutera® CoolGlide® laser can be used just about anywhere on the body, and usually requires no anesthesia or other treatment. Even sensitive areas such as the nipples, upper lip and bikini line can be treated easily and with minimal discomfort. Occasionally people experience a snapping sensation or a mild sting. Some clients do find that taking Advil or Tylenol before the procedure does help.
ALL parts of the body CAN be treated (and ARE treated) with the Cutera® CoolGlide® hair removing laser. In women, the most common areas for treatment are upper lip, chin, bikini line, arms and legs, and underarms. In men, the most common areas for treatment are shoulders and back, and the beard area. While it is technically possible to treat even the eyelashes and eyebrows, we do not treat those areas at the present time. The top of the eyebrows can be treated when the forehead is treated. In addition, the Cutera® CoolGlide® laser treats ALL skin types, including tanned skin.
Why should I consider laser hair removal – it is so expensive!
Laser hair removal is convenient, safe and efficient. While no laser can guarantee hair free skin, lasers will remove up to 90% of hair within 4 to 6 treatments. Just imagine no longer needing to dedicate extra time for shaving or scheduling time for waxing appointments.
At first glance, the cost of laser hair removal does seem high. However, in the long run, laser hair removal is the smart efficient way to remove unwanted hair. Let's consider waxing options done at a spa/salon. For a bikini, underarm and upper lip wax, generally the cost would be approximately $80.00 every 4 to 6 weeks. Over the course of a year, that amounts to roughly $500.00. Take that amount and multiply over several years and it becomes clear how much sense laser hair removal makes.
Schedule a free consultation at Spa Lumina, to discuss any of these procedures in further detail.
Financing available through Medicard.
© 2010 Spa Lumina Inc. All Rights Reserved.
