The Best You, Centre for Personal Enhancement
The Best You, Centre for Personal Enhancement
1081 Carling Avenue, Suite 706
Ottawa, Ontario KIY 4G2
Phone: (613) 722-7912
Fax: (613) 722-2291
We believe in educating our clients with the facts about self-image enhancement and in providing our services at reasonable costs. We work with each client to develop her or his individual aesthetic program. The Best You is committed to service at the highest level and to the satisfaction and happiness of its clients.
The Best You was founded by Dr. Deniz Akyurekli, MD. F.R.C.S.C., who began with a staff of 4 on 2nd Avenue East, in Owen Sound. In 2004, The Best You moved to its new home at 10th Street East, in the heart of the city.
From this 5000-square-foot modern facility, The Best You’s qualified staff deliver state of the art personal enhancement programs to hundreds of clients in the Owen Sound region. The Best You also houses The Owen Sound Surgical Centre, an accredited facility which boasts 2 operating rooms and a 3-bed recovery area.
The clinicians at The Best You use the latest laser techniques to remove your unwanted facial and body hair safely and permanently.
We know that everyone is different and adjust our laser hair removal techniques to treat all skin types and hair colors.
Women are generally concerned with bikini, underarm, leg and facial hair. Men frequently request hair removal on the back, neck and chest. Both enjoy the fact that laser hair reduction sessions are quick and well tolerated with no downtime.
