The Wild Strawberry Salon
The Wild Strawberry Salon
9301 Bathurst Street
Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9S2, Canada
(905) 737-7773
Our Mission at The Wild Strawberry Salon is to care for our clients, from the services we offer to the ways in which we give back to the community and the world around us. At The Wild Strawberry Salon we are committed to creating a comfortable, educational and positive environment to encourage those who visit and work here to achieve inner and outer beauty, balance and well being.
Here at The Wild Strawberry Salon we are committed to providing you with the best individual service and the finest AVEDA products. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.
All of our team members are involved in advanced training programs. Continuing education is the key to providing you with consistent and outstanding service. Team members receive in-salon education and attend the most up-to-date professional classes on a regular basis.
Your punctuality is greatly appreciated to assure timely service to all of our guests. Should a cancellation be necessary we ask for 24 hours advance notice. Otherwise, we regret that we must charge for the scheduled services. All no shows are charged at full value. This is to ensure that appointments are available when you and others need them. We recommend that you reserve future appointments before leaving The Wild Strawberry Salon, to secure your desired dates and times.
The Wild Strawberry Salon adheres to and surpasses the requiremnts set forth by the Ministry of Health. We have always gone above and beyond protocol to ensure the safety of our clients and ourselves.
If you would feel more comfortable being served by another staff member, or if you'd just like a new point of view, we are a professional team and encourage you to get to know all of us so that you can reserve appointments around your time schedule rather than ours.
We are always open to suggestions. Please let us know how we can serve you better.
Please tell your friends about us and receive special gifts. Ask about our referral program.
For clients who are relocating, we'll be glad to refer you to our professional peers throughout Canada and the United States.
Hair Removal Treatments from Alma Lasers
Soprano XL Laser System
How does Laser Hair Removal work?
Controlled flashes of light or laser penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the hair follicles. Heat created through this process damages and destroys the hair follicle. This process is termed selective photothermolysis.
What are the Benefits?
Safe and effective form of permanent hair reduction. Advances in technology allow for minimal side effects. Less pain, discomfort and time consumption compared to other conventional methods. Large areas can be treated quickly. FDA and Health Canada approved technology for permanent hair reduction.
Is it safe?
Hair removal is one of the aesthetic medical industry's most well-known and researched uses of lasers. Pain-Free, Hair-Free's Soprano®XL laser has provided permanent hair reduction for thousands of patients worldwide, safely and successfully since it was cleared by the FDA in 2005.
How many treatments will I need?
Each person and each area of the body is different. The number of treatments for each individual varies. An average of 8-10 treatments are needed for most cases of facial hair, and 6-10 treatments for most cases of body hair.
Will my hair ever grow back?
The short answer is no. Once the hair follicle is damaged, it cannot grow new hair. However, there are invariably a few hair follicles that manage to partially escape the laser during each treatment. Some of these follicles may be only stunned and will need to be retreated.
What are the treatments like?
The treatments are done on freshly shaven, clean skin that has not been exposed to the sun for the last 4 weeks. The hair removing device, either light or laser based, is passed over the area being treated. Most clients feel the treatments are painless. At most a feeling of heat is experienced.
Do I need to plan for time off, for the treatments?
No. Pain-Free, Hair-Free requires no "down time" or recovery time. You can have a treatment and return to work or school immediately.
Are there any possible side effects?
Advances in technology have made side effects rare. Side effects are often related to sun exposure. Minimize the risk of complications: limit sun exposure for 4 weeks before and after treatments.
How do I know it won't hurt?
Most people find Pain-Free, Hair-Free very comfortable. While pain tolerance is subjective, many patients often describe the sensation as soothing as a "hot stone massage." If you find it otherwise, talk with your doctor or laser technician.
How much does it cost?
Individual treatment costs vary, please schedule a consultation for a treatment and cost quotation. Compared with a lifetime of shaving, waxing or plucking Laser Hair Removal can be a worthwhile investment in both time and money-savings.
Who are candidates for treatment?
Men, women and children may undergo laser/light hair removal. Advances in technology allow clinicians to treat all skin types. The number of treatments and the strength of each treatment vary from person to person and are customized to each client.
If you have any questions or just want more information, call us (905-737-7773) to make an appointment for a free consultation.
Alma Soprano & Harmony Lasers
We use the Soprano & Alma Harmony Multi-Application System Lasers, the world's most sophisticated, expandable platform for aesthetic laser and light treatments as well. Click here to learn more.
